My Blog List

Friday, May 6, 2011


For my big idea I decided to tell a story about a prostitute through photographs. I told the story using 18 powerful photographs. I didn't want to sugarcoat the truth. Prostitution is very large in my neighborhood in Houston. Most women don't have a choice or a 9 to 5 job, so their survival skills kick in and they have to do what they have to do in order to see another day. Everyone wasn't born with a silver spoon in their mouth and a dozen of life choices to choose from. People nowadays are so quick to judge and point the flaws in a person. No one has anything positive to say because they live off of putting others down. He without sin shall cast the first stone. Since no one is perfect, all stones should remain on the ground!      

Thursday, April 28, 2011


         My answers are probably similar to most Americans because many don’t care or don’t have enough time to even look at art. Other things are more important to people now days. Technology controls the world that we live in. Maybe if they can fuse the two in a great way, then maybe more people will be into art. My answers may be different because you do have the crowd that eat, sleep and breath art. The questions about the your favorite colors, how much would you pay, and what do you like painting of would be most helpful if one was using market research to design new paintings for sale. The gender question was a great one too. The question about the income in 1992 was pointless. It has nothing to do with art in my eyes. This survey may help artist or it may not. It is very long and many people don’t have the time to sit in front of a computer and answer questions. 


What is your favorite color?
How important is the appearance or design of the following products in your decision to purchase the product?
new car: very    
underwear:  somewhat
tv set: somewhat  
winter coat: very  
What is your 2nd favorite color?
"When you select pictures, photographs, or other pieces of art for your home, do you find you lean more toward modern or more toward traditional styles?"
"If you had to choose from the following list, which type of art would you say you prefer?"
Which of the following statements applies to you more?
"When choosing pictures, photographs, or other art for my home, I focus on whether or not I like the piece"
Would you say you prefer older objects or newer objects to collect or decorate you home?
newer objects
"Would you say that you prefer seing paintings of wild animals, like lions, giraffes, or deer, or that you prefer seeing paintings of domestic animals, like dogs, cats or other pets?"
wild animals
"In general, would you rather see paintings of outdoor scenes or would you rather see paintings of indoor scenes?"
Which of the following outdoor scenes appeals to you the most?
Paintings of:
Which season would you most like to see depicted in a painting?
Which of the following types of indoor scenes appeals to you most?
Do you tend to prefer paintings that are related to religion or those that are not related to religion?
Which of the following statements is closest to your view?
"Paintings don't necessarily have to teach us any lessons, but can just be something a person likes to look at."
Which of the following statements is closest to your view?
"I prefer paintings that are realistic-looking: the more they resemble a photograph, the better"

"Do you prefer paintings that exaggerate the dimensions or reality of objects we already know, or ones that feature imaginary objects which have no connection to everyday life?"
exaggerate the dimensions
"Do you prefer seeing bold, stark designs or more playful, whimsical designs?"
Do you tend to favor paintings with sharp angles or ones with soft curves?
Soft curves
"Which patterns do you like better: geometric patterns or more random uneven patterns?"
more random uneven patterns
"Do you like to see expressive brush-strokes on the canvas, or do you prefer that the surface of the canvas be smooth, more like a photograph?"
expressive brush-strokes on the canvas
Do you like to see colors blend into each other or do you like it when different colors are kept apart?
"Every color has a wide range of shades. Take the color blue, for example. An artist can use a bright, vibrant shade of blue, like a royal blue, a pale, muted shade of blue, like light blue, or a darker tone of blue, like dark or midnight blue. In general, which would you say that you prefer? when the artist uses more vibrant shades, paler shades, or darker shades of color?"
darker shades of color
"In general, do you enjoy paintings that have a more serious or a more festive mood?"
"And how about the painting itself - do you like it to be busy and contain lots of people or objects, or do you like it to be as simple as possible?"
How about the size of paintings: do you prefer larger paintings or smaller paintings?
"Some paintings are of famous historical figures and others are of more ordinary people. Do you generally prefer paintings of famous people, or ones of more ordinary paintings."
"If you prefer famous people, do you prefer figures from a long time ago, like Lincoln or Jesus, or more recent figures, like John F. Kennedy or Elvis Presley?"
"Do you prefer paintings which are predominantly of children, of women, or of men, or doesn't it matter?"
"Thinking back to the paintings of people that you have like in the past, for the most part were the figure working, at leisure, or were they posed portraits?"
"Which do you think you like better, a painting of one person or of a group of people?"
"And from what you've seen, would you say that you prefer paintings in which the person or people are nude, partially clothed or fully clothed?"
If you were given the choice of a gift - a sum of money or a piece of art that you genuinely like and which was of equal value to the money, which would you choose?
Which one of the following would be most important to you in deciding how much money you would spend on a painting?

the size of the piece
What is the most amount of money you would consider spending on a piece of art you really like?
"For each of the following names, indicate if your impressions of that artist's work are very favorable, favorable, or very unfavorable. Some of these artists are not very well known, so if you have never heard of someone, or don't know enough about their work to have an opinion, just say so."
Pablo Picasso
"If you could pick one type of person you'd most enjoy having dinner with, would you choose an artist, a television or movie actor, an author, or a sports star?"
"How often, on average, would you say that you go to art museums - more than two times a year, one or two times a year, less than once a year, or not at all?
1 time
The following are some reasons people have given in the past as to why they do not go to art museums more often. For each reason, please tell whether it is a major reason why you do not go to musuems more often, a minor reason, or not a reason at all:
1. there is not an art museum in my area: not a reason
2. I do not have enough spare time: major
3. I don't feel comfortable in art museums because I don't know alot about art: not a reason
4. the cost of admission is too expensive: major
5. I simply don't enjoy looking at art: major
Would you favor or oppose spending more money in federal taxes than we do on the arts?
Some works of art are displayed in public places. Do you think that average citizens should or should not have a say in determining which works of art are appropriate to be displayed in public?
"When it comes to most political issues, do you think of yourself as a liberal, a conservative, or a moderate? If moderate, do you think of yourself as being closer to being liberal or being conservative?"
Which of the following income categories includes your total family income in 1992 before taxes?
None of your business
What is your gender?

Monday, April 25, 2011


CRIT- Someone said that the blue set look like boats instead of boobs, I need more color volumes, they look like eyes, the 3d boobs need to lean down more and maybe I should turn them upside down.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

BIG IDEA ideas

Big Idea

Uncomfortable video
            Lick something unmoral
                        Pee, poop or throw up on something
                        Have someone torture me in public
                        Break as many social norms as possible

            Photograph the human body and piece it all together
            Have a theme for photographs and go for it
            Tell a story with no words

            Record it
            Photograph it

            Huge and clear


Keenan Jones
Wash Lecture

Dark Fantasy

            There are many types of fantasies out there. You have the ones that end in pink clouds and big blue smiles, and the deep dark ones. The Survival Research Laboratories are way beyond these. These people are wild. They fulfill the fantasy of destructive pyromaniacs. While watching their videos, all I heard was, BOOM, BANG, and CHEERS. Now I’m all for watching things blow up, but their shows don’t seem safe enough for me to be in attendance. My fantasy is to make things explode from a safe distance away. The audience that attends their events feels like they just hit the lottery. Some live for Survival Research Laboratories, while others would die to get away from it.
               Survival Research Laboratories reminds me of Monster Jam. Monster Jam is the event with the huge monster trucks that will crush a building flat in 4.2 seconds. The trucks race each other to see which monster is the fastest, and then they have freestyle round where they obliterate everything in sight. Cars, buses, and vans are all victims during this event. Survival Research Laboratories and Monster Jam are similar because during the whole show it’s pure 100% destruction that takes place. The only main difference between the two is that the Monster Jam seats are located so high that audience members are less likely to get hurt. With Survival Research Laboratories, the seats are so close to the action that anything is liable to happen at anytime and that is not my type of fantasy.
            “Yanks with tanks” is the perfect term used to describe the people that run Survival Research Laboratories. All of their work promote mechanized violence because they make it ok for others to go out and create and destroy. Many people across the world attend their show and or watch them on YouTube. Out of that crowd, I know that at least half of them came up with a bright idea to create a monster. Out of that few; I know that at least half that actually blew something up.
            Just like I stated in the beginning, Survival Research Laboratories main audience members are destructive pyromaniacs. These people feed off of these events. This isn’t a hobby for them; it’s a way of life. I believe that they choose to host their events in Amsterdam because their rules are less strict than other places and much safer. The other places are war torn countries. That wouldn’t be a very smart idea to host the type of work that they do in those countries for the simple fact that a lot of people can be harmed at their event. SRL wake up to blow up, and go to sleep to do it all over again.  

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I decided to go with the role of age, history and time. My main focus was wrinkles. When you think of an old person, the first thing that comes to your mind are wrinkles. Even though every person in the world has wrinkles, we still associate them with the elderly. I chose to put my photographs in black and white because the whole concept of black and white started a long time ago. The first cameras ever made produced black and white photographs only. So I feel that the color of the photo goes with the theme as well.  

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Exquisite Corpse

A yellow fire breaks ugly tv

The blue cloud sit on the fat store 

A big pen run a small stove

Sunday, March 27, 2011



1. Water
- play in a pool
-drink a cup of water
-spray water on people
-pour water on the floor and play in it
- drink 2 gallons of water

2. Boobies
- walk around saying boobies
- run around saying boobies
- jump around saying boobies
- crawl on the floor saying boobies
- rub my boobies together

3. Pizza
- eat a whole box of pizza in 60 seconds
- hump a slice of pizza
- throw pizza at pizza at people
- rub pizza all over my face
- lick all of the slices of pizza

4. Toe
- clip my toe nails
- bite my toe nails
- eat my toe nails
- paint my toe nails
- rub my toes on my face

5. Night
- wear pj’s and take a nap
- bring a pillow and take a nap
- take a nap with my teddy bear
- freaks come out at night dance
- sleep naked   


1. Video still from John Wood and Paul Harrison. A bunch of white screens with black circles on each one.
2. Outdoor sculpture in Cullen Sculpture Garden. A giant black ball in the garden.
3. A frican Art. Moba, Ghana or Togo, Iron, Early 20th century. They both are small and dark brown. They have a rough texture and looks like it doesn't weight that much.
4. Ancient Roman Art. Greek, Cinerary, 5th century B.C., Green and light brown. It's big, looks rough and heavy, also very old.
5. Indian Sculpture. Anthropomorph, C. 1500 B.C., copper. It looks like it doesn't weigh that much. Its dark brown and the same size as a new born puppy.
6. Work by Carlos Cruz- Diez. Physichromic II3-B, 1963 (reconstructed 1976) Silk screened aluminum modules with stainless steel filters and aluminum stripe frame. It has 3 colors and it looks heavy. Looks like a box with HUGE sharp blades inside.


a. The work by Carlos Cruz- Diez was most enjoyable. His whole design with the different colors and circles was well thought out.
b. Some of the roman statues were disturbing/funny to me. They would build this huge naked soldier and give him this tiny penis! Priceless.
c. I wouldn't mind making one of those 3D pictures that the artist did at the museum. It was very creative and everyone enjoyed it.        

500 WORDS!

500 WORDS!!!!
1.     Pizza: cheese, hat, pizza box, pizza uniform, sausage, pepperoni, sauce, a pizza, bread, sign.   
2.     Pants: jeans, khaki, pants, men legs, women legs, baby legs, baby pants, men pants, women pants, ugly pants.  
3.     Hair: brush, comb, grease, shampoo, conditioner, waves, stocking cap, hat, clips, haircuts.
4.     Water: cup, bottle, straw, swimming trunks, float, bowl, towel, can, boat, fish.
5.     Fish: tank, fish food, rocks, water, fishing pole, boat, seaweed, pool toys, goggles, net.
6.     Bath: soap, towel, shower cap, shower curtain, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, rug, robe, lotion.     
7.     Embarrass: underwear, stairs, air freshener, toilet tissue, poop, pee pants, holes in clothes, yellow teeth, something for bad breath.   
8.     Walk: shoes, socks, shoelace, sidewalk, stairs, road, stoplight, flip-flops, water.
9.     Fly: wings, airplane, jet, helicopter, nice clothes, pilot clothes, pilot hat, plane ticket, peanuts, pillow.
10. Duck: pond, bread, water, fish, seaweed, insects, corn, worms, rocks, feather.
11.  Stink: socks, diaper, underwear, bra, basketball shorts, football gloves, trashcan, trash, spray, old cheese.
12. Truck: tires, paint, rims, gas, floor mats, insurance, license plate, oil, keys, seats.    
13. Boobies: bra, boobies, water jugs, nipples, babies, milk, lips, tongue, woman, man.
14. Chicken: feathers, grease, napkins, soda, water, hot sauce, ketchup, pepper, oven, bones.  
15. Lunch: chicken, burgers, ham, pickles, soda, bread, table, noodles, fruit, salad.
16. Money: presidents, money, pockets, paper, bank, wallet, check, fee statements, coins, money clip.
17. Walmart: bikes, games, glue, shirt, pants, receipt, plastic bag, tv set, computer, soda.
18. Apple: tree, seeds, grass, soil, leaf, fruit, stem, water, teeth, worm.
19. Computer: keyboard, mouse, keys, monitor, internet, hard drive, cd, dvd, tower, camera.
20. Car: tires, paint, rims, gas, floor mats, insurance, license plate, oil, keys, seats.
21. Bike: tires, paint, rims, pedal, handle bar, insurance, license plate, oil, air pump, seats.
22. TV: cord, remote, batteries, buttons, lights, colors, glass, plastic, tv stand, tv.
23. People: hair, arm, head, teeth, face, chin, leg, shoes, shirt, pants.
24. House: door, doorknob, glass, wood, brick, metal, gold, couch, bed, rug.
25. Hat: head, hair, boy, man, hat, plastic, sweat, colthes.
26. Ring: finger, gold, metal, silver, white gold, diamond, yellow gold, hand, woman, man.
27. Glasses: frame, glass, plastic, silver, eyes, nose, face, ears, head, hand.
28. Glass: glass, cup, bowl, window, door, bottle, house, spoon, slipper, case.
29. Braids: head, hair, beads, rubber bands, hands, shampoo, conditioner, water, sink.
30. Fat: boy, man, woman, grease, burger, fries, soda, candy, shake, ham.
31. Melt: ice, fire, stove, oven, freezer, lighter, snow, heat, ice cream, snow cone.
32. Broom: mop, dustpan, broom, bucket, trashcan, rug, carpet, wood, plastic.
33. Mop: mop, dustpan, broom, bucket, trashcan, rug, carpet, wood, plastic.
34. Hanger: jeans, khaki, pants, men legs, women legs, baby legs, baby pants, men pants, women pants, ugly pants.
35. Teacher: apple, hair, arm, head, teeth, homework, leg, shoes, shirt, pants.
36. Wash: soap, towel, shower cap, shower curtain, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, rug, robe, lotion.
37. Light: bulb, sign, can, truck, van, computer, phone, tv, I pod, radio.
38. Night: sleep, blanket, cover, pillow, bed, sleeping bag, pillow slip, sleep cap, teddy bear, pj’s.
39. Sun: ice, sweat, ice cream, snow cone, water bottle, bucket, water, towel, shorts, tank top.
40. Restroom: pee, poop, toilet, sink, water, toilet tissue, towel, soap, shampoo, shower cap.
41. Plants: seed, leaf, wood, tree, light, water, soil, apple, money, roots.
42. Plug: wall, floor, radio, tv, pohne, car, lamp, computer, microwave, charger.
43. Rug: feet, shoes, rug, carpet, house, people, flip flops, broom, dust pan, vacuum.
44. Backpack: book, gun, drugs, paper, homework, water, food, tablet, phone, gum.
45. Girls: boobies, nipples, legs, bra, undies, hair, perfume, butt, skirt, high heels.
46. Class: teacher, homework, apple, book, paper, pen, computer, chalk, desk, test.
47. Toe: Feet, toes, toe nail, toe nail clipper, socks, shoes, boots, toe nail polish, toe nail polish remover.
48. Shower: soap, towel, shower cap, shower curtain, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, rug, robe, lotion.
49. Pen: teacher, homework, apple, book, paper, pen, computer, chalk, desk, test.
50. Table: wood, homework, food, book, paper, pen, computer, chair, desk, test.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Overall I think I did a great job on my project. The object I chose to work on went with the theme of the story and the way I decided to make my marks expressed my emotions in the story. Everything went hand in hand to me. I was trying to express anger in my work by being disobedient. That's why I used fire because the number one thing they tell you in elementary is DON'T PLAY WITH FIRE! Great use of negative space on some pictures. I would probably change the size and make it bigger and maybe the way I posted it on the wall. The other students felt the same way. Burn the cover a little more or keep it clean.


For my mapping project i decided to take all the negative things said to me in high school and post it up in a very unique way. The negative comments range from, my family, my looks, sex, photography and many more. The main 1 that I wanted to focus on were the ones about my photography. Thats why I decided to put them in bold and do the whole project on photography negatives, especially since the name of the object and the theme go hand in hand.


The metaphor I decided to go with was WASTING MONEY. The cup tilting over was to describe the wasting part and the money... was the money.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Photograph of someone I know taken by me

A. I took this photograph because I was getting paid to do this job and the time and location was perfect. I chose to keep this photograph because the young lady in it is beautiful and so is the background.

B. The whole vibe and emotion of this photograph is relaxed and happy! Fun in the sun basically. Both of our attitudes were positive and I came out with a powerful picture. 

C. I will remember this photograph in 10 years because this was a very fun photo shoot for me.  

  Photograph someone took of me

A. This photograph was taken because I needed a new picture for my business cards. I chose this picture because all of my cameras are in it and I look very handsome! 

B. This is a very serious photograph. Even thought the photo was taken in a very creative way, you can still see the message that the photographer and the subject was trying to deliver.

C. I will remember this photograph in 10 years because it is all about me and what I love.

  Random picture

A. It looks like they were going to use this picture to advertise for something. No special reason why I decided to pick this picture for this assignment. It's not important to me.

B. You get a happy vibe from the photograph because it has great indoor lighting and the kid is smiling about something. 

C. This is probably used for commercial use and I will not remember this picture in the next 10 MINUTES. 


Getting my first pay check from my first job and feel great!

I would probably place some cash next to something that reminds me of my first job.


Learning how to drive...

Something that shows learning like a book and something that deals with a car.



I will probably pick this one because I feel more confident about it and this one is the most interesting to me.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Metaphor is the concept of understanding one thing in terms of another. A metaphor is a figure of speech that constructs an analogy between two things or ideas; the analogy is conveyed by the use of a metaphorical word in place of some other word. For example: "Her eyes were glistening jewels".
Metaphor is or was also occasionally used to denote rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via association, comparison or resemblance (e.g., antithesishyperbole,metonymy and simile, which are then all considered types of metaphor). Aristotle used both this sense and the regular, current sense above.[1]
The word metaphor derives from the 16th century Old French métaphore, in turn from the Latin metaphora, "carrying over", which is the latinisation of the Greek μεταφορά (metaphorá), “transfer”,[2] from μεταφέρω (metaphero), “to carry over”, “to transfer”,[3] itself a compound of μετά (meta), “between”[4] + φέρω (pherō), “to bear”, “to carry”.[5

A visual metaphor, also called a pictorial metaphor, is a metaphor in which something (the metaphor's "target") that is presented visually is compared to something that belongs to another category (the metaphor's "source") of things than the first, also presented visually. As in verbal metaphors (such as "football is war" or "the world is a stage"), at least one feature or association is "mapped" from the source to the target. Often, a whole set of (interrelated) features is mapped from source to target. Visual/pictorial metaphors are used often in advertising, but also in political cartoons and films. Many examples of visual/pictorial metaphor, as well as discussions of them, are discussed in my book Pictorial Metaphor in Advertising (Routledge 1996), which also contains references to the work of other authors who discuss metaphor in images and film, for instance the perception psychologist John Kennedy, the film scholar Trevor Whittock, and the film philosopher Noel Carroll.

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